The Mindset Secrets Of Top Performers

The Mindset Secrets Of Top Performers

Friday 19 July 2024Wed 16 Feb
The Mindset Secrets Of Top Performers

On this week’s episode of Taking Care of Business, say hello to our Director of Recruitment; Kameron Hutchinson alongside Dr Louise Lambert, a registered psychologist and positive psychology researcher based in Dubai. Tune in to explore the importance of workplace wellness, what is the biggest career killer, and uncover more on imposter syndrome, is it real or is it a myth?

Let’s dive right into their conversation…

An intro to Dr Louise Lambert

Dr. Louise Lambert is more than just a registered psychologist, she brings a wealth of experience in positive psychology. Having taught at universities, authored multiple books, and conducted numerous experiments on what makes life worth living, she now applies her knowledge within different workplaces and organisations across Dubai.

Understanding workplace wellness

Beginning the conversation, Kameron asked Dr. Louise what workplace wellness means in different parts of the world, especially in Dubai. According to Dr Louise, wellness is about relationships and feeling valued within the organisation. She shared the importance of feeling seen, heard, and appreciated by colleagues and supervisors.

This is how she believes many employees are likely to stick around in workplaces for longer periods of time as well as be seen as more motivated.

“Hope you are well” - Overused?

Kameron introduced a slightly off-topic but relevant point from workplace wellness, the overuse of phrases like "Hope you're well" in professional communications.

Both agreed that genuine interest in people's lives goes beyond empty platitudes. Authentic conversations that take a real interest in the person can significantly improve workplace relationships and individual well-being.

Navigating expectations and realities at work

Addressing the gap between employee expectations and what companies offer, Dr Louise spoke to Kameron about the misalignment which is often found in job markets.

Many companies sometimes present an overly rosy picture to attract candidates, who may find the reality to be quite different. She suggests that candidates can ensure this doesn't happen by asking direct questions about workplace culture, career progression, and how mistakes are handled during interviews.

Kameron discussed this and spoke about how Allsopp & Allsopp speak directly to potential employees about the life that can be expected in the workplace to ensure there are no quarrels later.

Dubai dreaming?

Kameron speaks on how many foreign expats dream about building a livelihood in Dubai.

For those contemplating a move to Dubai, Dr. Louise speaks on the importance of doing homework and setting realistic expectations are critical.

Kameron and Dr. Louise further discussed how Dubai’s glamour can sometimes mask the challenges of living and working in a competitive and expensive city. Dr. Louise advises newcomers to resist comparing their life to others on social media and focus on their own journey and growth.

Planning and financial prudence are crucial as well and Dr. Louise stresses the importance of saving money during good times to cushion oneself during lean periods. Creating a financial buffer can alleviate stress, allowing expats to focus on long-term goals and well-being.

Imposter syndrome vs. Learning curve

Kameron presented a controversial take on imposter syndrome, first asking if it was real or not.

Dr Louise suggested it’s more about a lack of knowledge rather than feeling like a fraud and nuanced this by discussing how occasional self-doubt is natural and can even be beneficial, driving people to learn and grow.

Dr Louise also further encouraged normalising failure and learning from it. Sharing failures within a supportive network can prevent others from making similar mistakes and foster a culture of continuous improvement. She believes this can reduce the take on imposter syndrome once people begin feeling comfortable around one another.

The role of leadership and addressing negativity in a workplace

Kameron and Dr. Louise also touched on maintaining a positive workplace environment. Kameron spoke on how negativity can spread like a silent cancer, and it's essential for leadership to address it head-on.

Dr Louise shared how creating an open culture where employees feel comfortable voicing concerns can mitigate issues before they escalate.

Dr Louise suggests a balanced approach where employees are encouraged to share their concerns but are also guided towards finding constructive solutions. This dual-focus approach helps in addressing issues head-on while fostering a proactive and positive work culture. They also dive deeper into the importance of mental health and positive psychology in the workplace.

To continue knowing more about their conversation, you can tune into Taking Care of Business, every Friday!

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